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Heflin City Clerk

The office of the City Clerk is located at 850 Ross Street, Heflin, AL. The City Clerk’s office handles all Building Permits, Licensing, Planning & Zoning, Revenue, and day to day operations for the City of Heflin.

The office of the City Clerk is the official record keeping agency for the City and is responsible for all public documents, both current and archival.

Click here for City of Heflin Code of Ordinances 

Other duties performed in the office of the clerk include preparing council agendas, recording the minutes for all City Council Meetings, conducting all municipal elections, and working closely with the Mayor and City Council.

Click here to email the Heflin City Clerk.

Heflin City Sales Tax

Sales tax for the City of Heflin is collected through RDS (Revenue Discovery Systems). Sales tax remittance is due on the 20th of each month. The City allocates a 3% sales tax within the corporate city limits, and 1 ½ cent tax in the police jurisdiction. For more information and to register with RDS please go to the following link:  revds.com/taxpayer 

For a zoning variance request contact the city clerk.

Contact Us

850 Ross Street, Heflin, Alabama
P.O. Box 128, Heflin, Alabama
p: 256-463-2290
f: 256-463-2683
e: cityhall@cityofheflin.org